Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gigantic spider

Lizzy and I stumbled across this "little" guy on our walk this morning:

I saw something move in front of us and thought it was a toad. Nope. It was this GIGANTIC spider. It gave me the chills instantly. It stopped. Lizzy and I stopped. We had a stare down. Then it jumped and I almost peed my pants. What did I do then? The intelligent choice was to get out of dodge, but no, not me. I busted out the cell phone and tried to take a picture of the prehistoric creature. It didn't turn out too well because I had to zoom in since I wasn't going to risk a nasty spider bite, but you get the picture. My head is the shadow, so that gives you a perspective on how big it was. It's body was the size of a pop bottle lid!

Then I came home and found another weird looking insect in one of my shoes. Great.

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