Thursday, September 16, 2010

Littering punks

I can’t stand it when people litter.

Today, on the way back from a wonderful Turkish lunch with Jennifer, we witnessed inhumanity. OK, that might be a little too intense of a description, but basically we saw two punks littering.

We were stopped at a crowded crosswalk and were standing behind two punks who had probably just left CVS after an exciting shopping trip for cigs and whatnot. They were playing around with their goods and taking them out of packages, then suddenly the acute hearing of Jennifer and myself (and everyone else standing there) was alerted to something falling to the ground at the feet of the punks. Clearly they’re going to pick this up, right? It’s not like it was something small that they can say they didn’t notice. Nope, they didn’t pick it up – shocking. So when the light turned green they started to walk away. Here’s when it got interesting…

Punk 1: (Litters)

Light changes.

Punks: (Starts to cross the street.)

Man in suit to punk 1: You dropped something.

Punk 1: Oh yeah, I don’t need it.

Man in suit to punk 1: You should pick it up anyway.

Punk 1: (Picks up litter and continues across the street.)

Jennifer and Tiffany: (Cheering internally!)

Punk 1: (Drops litter AGAIN…two feet away from the curb WHERE THERE’S A TRASH CAN)

Jennifer and Tiffany: (Stopping stunned in the middle of the street, mentally saying OH NO YOU DIDN’T!)

Jennifer: (Stops a cab turning onto the street and picks up the litter – it’s important to note that she doesn’t like germs so she’s venturing out of her comfort zone for the good of the planet!)

Tiffany to punk 1: You dropped it AGAIN (mentally: you donkey!)!

Jennifer to collective punks: Do you need this?

Punk 2: Oh…uh…no… (while punk 1 pretends like he can’t hear)

Jennifer: (Throws litter in the trash can.)

IN YOUR FACE LITTERING PUNKS! You got called out in front of a group of people the first time you did it, then to be “cool,” you decided to do it again. Not smart. We’ll call you out on it again and again. Good luck picking up the ladies when you’re getting called out about not being able to put your trash in the proper receptacle. It makes your look like an awesome catch.

I’m so proud of the fact that someone, aside from Jennifer and myself, stepped up and said something to the punks. There's hope!!!!

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